I was in Kroger at 8:00 last night picking up the few things that I needed, when I began to notice that the store seemed to be primarily inhabited by the male species. It became painfully obvious that these poor lost souls were sent there by their wives/girlfriends/significant other. They were bewildered. At one point it looked as though they were all gathered at the front of the store wondering and asking, "what is marshmallow crème anyway?” I have to admit that I truly enjoyed my shopping experience. The entertainment I received by watching the unsuspecting confused and frustrated cast of survivors was priceless. I know that when they arrived back at their homes and brought in their goods, they were met with much appreciation which made it worth the hunt. I don't know why we think that we should cook so much food on thanksgiving. I mean I have no Indians to invite over and we have enough to serve the entire Indian Nation. We truly are blessed as a nation and even more so as individuals. Our pastor wanted us to remember 7 reasons why we should be thankful. They are as follows:
1. Remember His titles and be thankful for His position.
2. Be thankful for His power.
3. Be thankful for His wisdom.
4. Remember His miracles and be thankful for His ministry.
5. Remember His promises and be thankful for His faithfulness.
6. Remember His parables and be thankful for His words.
7. Remember His presence.
I am so thankful for all these things and so much more. I am thankful for each and every one of you and I'm praying that all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. (Philippians 4:6)
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego, baby why don't we go, Jamaica
Lyrics for Kokomo by the Beach Boys
Oh my gosh! The water is actually the most beautiful I have ever seen. The deepest, brightest aqua blue. And the foliage…oh man, lush, like a tropical rain forest. The people were very friendly, love their smiles.
Now let me tell you that I know what “no problem mon” means. It means I’ll get you that drink of water in about 2hours. I know that the island life is a laid back kind of life, but get over yourselves. Laid back is one thing but this was just unedited laziness.
We stayed at an all inclusive resort. Sandals at Ocho Rios on Jamaica. There were several restaurants available, but only a few worth eating at. They love to overcook their food, which I like my food cooked, but I actually like to stop chewing it at some point in the evening. We had one absolutely delicious meal, of course it took 3 hours. No! I am not kidding. 3 hours. Of course we were in an air conditioned restaurant overlooking the Riveria, so who’s complaining. The humidity level was at least 123.8%. It did no good to “put your face on”, because the humidity took it right off! Oh and forget the hair! I wouldn’t give up, I continued to curl my hair every night and within 10 minutes you could find the curl on the ground.

One evening we dined on the pier overlooking the Riveria on a moonlit, star bright night and it was the most romantic evening. I even saw a shooting star. The only thing missing was Terry actually reaching over to kiss me. Oh well you can’t have everything. He said he was mesmerized by the water! So go kiss a fish! Guess I should have made a better wish on that star.

I am very thankful that we had the opportunity to go and I was also thankful to finally travel on a vacation with my inlaws (Terry’s brother and wife). I will say that we are all still speaking to one another and I still love them very much. This comes after they told us they have only gone on one vacation with another couple and after they returned home, they have never spoken to one another again.

I am very glad to be home. I suppose I’m getting old, because after 4 days I was missing my bed, after 6, I was missing everything.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
God wanted me to tell you...
It shall be well with you this year. No matter how much your enemies try this year, they will not succeed. You have been destined to make it and you shall surely achieve all your goals this year. For the remaining months of the year, all your agonies will be diverted and victory and prosperity will be incoming in abundance. Today God has confirmed the end of your sufferings, sorrows and pains because HE that sits on the throne has remembered you. He has taken away the hardships and given you JOY. He will never let you down. I knocked at heaven's door this morning. God asked me... My child, what can I do for you? And I said, Father, please protect and bless the person reading this message... God smiled and answered...
Request granted.
Weekly Bible Verse
What a comfort it is to be physically or emotionally embraced by a dear friend. As I reflect upon the friends I have made during my life's journey, a sense of warmth, camaraderie, and unconditional love envelops me. I value being a friend to others as much as having friends.
Some of my friends are near in location; others are near in spirit. The realm of my imagination captures the image and voice of each cherished friend, and I thank God for each and every one of them.
I reflect on cherished attributes that make my friends the loving, unique people they truly are. Feelings of love, healing, and gratitude enfold me. I experience the sense of hope and energy that friends bring me. In a spirit of gratitude, I embrace them in my thoughts and prayers.
Cindy and Sandra, I especially want you to know even though I have been lousy at contacting you, I do think of you often. I love you.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Piano Lessons

I am enjoying this so much. I have always had a desire to learn the piano and am so fortunate to be able to finally do it.
My first “song” was Amazing Grace, which just reinforced the idea that I could learn something even at this age. I was worried that my arthritic fingers would hinder me, but I seem to be doing just fine. I received my first star yesterday for reading my first notes. I came back to work proudly showing it off! Man that’ll teach them. They were all jealous. I mean when was the last time they received a gold star. Mine was red with sunglasses. I would have settled for a gold one, but they must be hard to find, because my piano teacher only had ones with faces on them. I think that anyone learning anything should wait until they are older, because I am amazed at the focus I have. I suppose it’s because at this age I can only focus on one thing at a time.
I know it seems that I’m making 46 sound old, but when you are sure that you’re life will end in your 50’s, well then 46 seems to be at the end of life and not the beginning. That’s what pushed me to go ahead with the lessons. I said there were three things I wanted to do before I leave this world and one of them was to learn the piano. So thought I’d better get on it! I’ll let you know how it goes. (You thought I’d tell you the other two, well you’ll have to wait until I start them)