It's Not Over Yet!
The hustle, the bustle, the can't wait to open another package, is not over. We still have my family Christmas this weekend. 23 people together at Lake Cumberland in Kentucky. A long weekend, 3 nights, 4 days. I wonder how fast the police can make it to the Lake up there. I mean if we should need them. My sister called me today to let me know that her husband and oldest son are going to host a Texas Holdem tournament while we are there. Nothing says Christmas like a poker tourney! I think it will be fun. My biggest dilemma is deciding on the camouflage I will wear to hide my bluff over a high 6 or my excitement over a royal flush (this happens a lot right?). Dark glasses vs. Groucho glasses, Hood vs. Red Hat, etc. I have promised to be on my best behavior and not "cheat". Some of my siblings like to refer to the way I play cards as cheating. I just try and have a little fun. I will keep silent while playing, except for the occasional raise, call, all in, or what in the world did I do that for? This may be the platform I need to get on the Poker Celebrity Tour.
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