Food Inhaler
Food is to sustain life, not to give pleasure! It's not about comfort. There has to be a formula that I'm missing that will make me GET IT! When I decided to quit smoking, and it was the fourth or fifth time, there was the greatest invention out called a Nicotrol Inhaler. I could not have done it without this clever little device (and of course God). Now with my dieting, all I'm looking for is some type of food inhaler that maybe tastes like whatever I'm wanting at any given time. I'm pretty sure this would get me through the day without just wanting to gorge myself on something (like pizza). I mean good grief, we can go to the moon, converse in minutes across a continent, what is so hard about making a small thing to make MY life easier? If any of you should come across one, send it to me please, if you don't come across one, could one of you please invent it! Meanwhile I'll just keep going at it the old fashion way. So far I'm doing pretty good this week. I will let you know my results on Monday. If for some reason you don't hear from me on Monday, you might want to check with the authorities.
I want one! :) Good luck.
Hey you, don't forget that you are changing your lifestyle. You didn't get this way in a week, so why are you expecting things to change so quickly? Great things take time. Don't worry about the small things. Look at the big picture & keep going forward! One of these days you'll look up say, "Wow" that was easy.
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