Well I didn't make the show! It's okay. I know that God's plan is always carried out and this was not in it. I know some of you are thinking what in the world would God have to do with the Biggest Loser, well, you never know how his love can be used on such a show and I was ready to be that vessel.
Now on to other weight loss issues. I have yo-yoed with 5 or 6 pounds over the last 2 months and I'm sick of it. I am glad the Biggest Loser thing is over so I can concentrate on my band and diet. I did go back for that first fill and I was so upset with the Doctor because first he has no empathy and second somehow he talked me into the fill. With tears in my eyes I went over to the hospital to get the first fill. He put 4 cc's of saline in the port to fill the band and felt that was enough for the first fill. He said with the aid of the xray he was able to double what could be done in the office. I'm thinking okay, now lets see some action! I stay on a liquid diet for 2 days and then introduce solid foods. I'm very good at first about just eating the protein. I have my eggs for breakfast, my chicken at lunch and then within 20 minutes of eating my chicken I'm starving. He had said then eat more protein if I continue to get hungry, so I did and I did. Now of course your next course of action should be to eat vegetables, but we all know how that doesn't work for me, so before I know it I'm adding a baked potato (with butter) and then bread. I'm eating pizza, desserts and not drinking the amount of water I should be doing. I have good days and bad days and I think that because of a chance of going on the show I may not have given it all of my determination.
My next fill is scheduled for the 6th of May, but I think I'm calling tomorrow and see if I can move it up and I'm going to tell them to "ratchet" that thing on down, because I NEED that feeling of discomfort in order to pay attention to what is going in my mouth. I really want to go ahead and add a trainer to my regiment, but because of cost I will have to wait. I'll be saving and if any of you come across any extra dough, send it my way!
Thanks to all of you who supported me on this journey with the Biggest Loser and I will continue to need your support throughout my ever-ending journey of weight loss! I will be back to blogging so keep checking in.
I love all of you very much!
We are disappointed for you, but like we said earlier this week, "God's plans are not ours". We love you and are still rooting for you no matter what!
Awe sorry to hear you didn't get it...but at least you know now, and you can move on from here! Today is a new day!
It all worked out for me...I couldn't have gone 9 weeks or whatever without seeing you!!! and yes it is all about ME..Alright Christie lets do this thing, biggest loser or not!!! LISA
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