I have returned home from the "girls" trip. We had a lot of fun. It was my Mom, sister and Aunt. We went to Williamsburg, VA. I am not much for history, but was quite surprised at how much I enjoyed hearing all the history. It was a great place and so much to see and do. We began our trip from my house and I had just received a new gadget called Earthmate. A friend bought it for me, specifically for this trip. I had my laptop and my GPS hooked up and was ready to go. My trip was all planned out and the software was going to let me know all of my turns. Ok, my GPS was not locating satellites and they were all ready to take off. Oh NO, I exclaim, we must wait so I can track our route. Finally after 15 minutes, I had my signal and off we went. This thing even talked to me and eventually I began to talk back. My sister was especially excited, because we could type in Points of Interest along our track and it would tell us every one of them. She typed in Walmart and found that there were more than a few between here and there. I was sure she was going to make us stop at all of them. We did stop at 4. At one point in our trip, our radio stopped working and then our cigarette lighter that was fueling the laptop. We had blown a fuse. I am illiterate when it comes to car things. We decided that we would pull off the route and find a Walmart. My sister was so elated. On the way we spot an Auto Zone and so we pulled into the parking lot. It was 10 minutes before they close. We hurried inside to find two male species that were obviously ready to go home. They informed us that they didn't know a lot about fuses. (Yeah, right) Perhaps we should purchase a variety pack. So my sister keeps them in there to purchase such a thing, while I go out to find out where the fuses are located. I find them and return back in the store to see that my sister had purchased the variety pack and the low down don't count for nothin' employees are announcing that they are locking the door. They leave us in the parking lot not knowing what the heck we are doing. Well we showed them. We replaced that fuse and then along the way had to do it again. We became experts at the replacement of fuses. I will tell you that I had a blonde moment. My sister handed me a fuse and at looking at the number I said "But Cindy I need an 02 fuse and you handed me a 20 fuse". So she took the fuse from me and turned it over and handed it back to me and said, "Will this one do?". Funny, very funny! We stopped at Natural Bridge in Virginia along the way to spend the night and see the magnificent sight. It was pretty awesome. I am glad to be home and start getting ready for Christmas. I'm sure you'll be hearing lots during this time.
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