Okay, as a lot of you know I started going to the YMCA back in October or was it November, whatever. Well I have been doing resistant training. I'm pretty sure this means you begin to build up a resistance to go to the Y. My girlfriend has been trying to get me to do classes instead of just doing the "resistance" thing. I finally decided that if I don't do something I'm going to die of boredom.
So I looked at the classes and found that I was very interested in the "Y" box class. The girls in there look very fit and toned and since that is what I'm going for, then that is what I should do. HELLO! I haven't moved this amount of weight around this much since I got it! What the instructor or the other members of the class don't realize, is that once you get this much weight moving one way it takes a few minutes to get it to move the other way. But I held in there and I made it through the whole class. I thank my girlfriend for pushing me on. I know I couldn't have done it without her.
Well she and I look at the schedule and find that there is a "Y" box/Powerlift/Conditioning class the next day. I'm feeling very confident and she assures me that if there is something I can't do then I can adjust it and do something else. HELP! I knew once they started getting more than one piece of equipment out that I was in trouble. I told my girlfriend when she got to the barbell that maybe this was not the class for me right now. She insisted that I should give it a try. I did and I made it through most of the class and then a strange thing happened, my neck became very cramped and hurting tremendously. I kept pushing through. The instructor saw that I was hurting and announces on her microphone that "If you are experiencing pain in your neck and/or lower back, it is the floor and you need new shoes". I began cracking up at this point. I wanted to scream at her "No lady the fact that I am trying to squat 200+ pounds with a barbell on my neck is what's causing the pain!".
I tried to go to work after this and had to leave to go to the drugstore to purchase the "You gotta be kidding me" survival kit. The biggest bottle of Advil they had, Nuprin patches, Emergency cold packs and a Hot/Cold wrap. How do they do without it on Survivor! I'm much better now and next week I think I'll try Water Aerobics.
Be careful in the water, it's really hard to get things shifting in there. Keep it up!!!
Love You!
VERY proud of your efforts! You've (sort of) inspired me. I think I'll take the hamper of clothes off my stationary bike and go ridin'. Well, maybe I should stretch first. It's been way too long since my muscles have been happy! Good luck with your work outs...will keep you posted on mine! CIN
How VERY funny! "It's the floor and yours shoes" What's wrong with those people.
Glad you're feeling better but I sure wish I was there to see it, lol!
You KNOW, I'd have laughed.
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