I gave in to temptation today. It was SO worth it! Homemade Chocolate Fudge. Cut in 2" squares about a 1/4" thick. They melted in my mouth like snow melting in the sun. It was heaven! I felt a little sick at my stomach afterwards, but OH tasting it on my tongue was incredible. Okay your asking, "Why is she so excited over a piece of homemade fudge?". Well, I am a sucker for homemade fudge. Someone brought it to work today for someone's birthday. I was so excited you would have thought it was my birthday! I haven't made any since last summer and it's the one sweet I can not refuse! I continue eating it until I am so sick that I lay in bed moaning and groaning swearing I'll never do it again. My grandfather was the one that introduced me to such a wonderful delicacy. He could whip up a batch in no time and it always turned out perfect. He would add black walnuts or pecans and I couldn't wait to get my teeth into a piece. I did good today, I stopped after three pieces (or was it four?). I'll be back on track tomorrow, but I will hold today's memory in my mind for just a little while longer! I am so glad I did that extra 10 minutes on the bike!
Man, I am proud of you. That is hard work! On to the next 9 and the next 9 etc. and then BACK to Jamaica!
Where's my Fudge!!
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